Enabling impactful
climate action initiatives
The Climate Action Foundation is a charitable organisation that funds, supports,
and delivers initiatives for a positive impact on the climate.
Laying the foundation for impactful climate action
Climate change is a global challenge that transcends borders, requiring coordinated efforts to reduce emissions, share technologies, and support vulnerable communities.
We exist to enable this collaboration at scale.
Funding, supporting, and delivering climate action
The Climate Action Foundation supports climate action initiatives from inception to delivery.
Climate Action Week Sydney
Born from the idea that Sydney's flagship climate action event could be "By the community, for the climate", this week-long initiative resulted in 115 events with more than 6,300 tickets sold.
Activating a city
Sydney came to life with more than 50 venues hosting climate action events.
Powered by a unique network of over 100 volunteers from all sectors of the ecosystem.
Sponsor an impactful climate action initiative
Let us know your details below and we'll be in touch.